A new initiative launches for 365 Days of Tourism in Istanbul - Focus on Travel News
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A new initiative launches for 365 Days of Tourism in Istanbul

A new initiative was launched to gain new destinations for tourism in Istanbul and promote the city internationally. The Istanbul Governor’s office, City Hall, TUROB, TURSAB and THY (Turkish Airlines) will all participate “Istanbul Tourism Summit” which will convene in certain periods of year under the chairmanship of Mr. Kadir Topbaş, the mayor of Istanbul.

The working team is composed of Mr. İsmail Gültekin, the vice governor responsible for tourism promotion; Mr. Hayri Baraçlı, Secretary General of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality; Mr. İbrahim Çağlar, the Chairman of The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (İTO); Mr. Temel Kotil, the Chief Executive Officer of Turkish Airlines; Mr. Timur Bayındır, President of TUROB; Mr. Başaran Ulusoy, President of TÜRSAB; Mrs. Tülin Ersöz, Counselor of Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Their initial goal will be to add new destinations for tourism in Istanbul.

Within the spirit of activities carried out in a joint and cooperative manner, the aim is to enhance Istanbul’s role in congress tourism. At the first meeting convened under the chairmanship of Mayor Topbas, the discussion was focused on the steps to be taken to promote Istanbul internationally.

Istanbul’s Mayor, Kadir Topbas, had the following to say about the meeting: “When I first became mayor in 2004, I immediately met up with representatives from the tourism industry, and we prepared a road-map. Thanks to the plans executed jointly with the industry people, Istanbul grew rapidly as a tourist destination.Now we want to take thisa step further. We will carry out our activities in a jointly consultative way and gain new destinations for Istanbul, aiming to reach our targets rapidly.”

Source: IBB

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