TUI fly and TUI Deutschland integrate management of marketing and operations - Focus on Travel News
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TUI fly and TUI Deutschland integrate management of marketing and operations

TUI Group is strengthening collaboration between TUI fly and TUI Deutschland so as to create integrated management of marketing and operations in Aviation in a highly competitive environment.

The 49-year-old flight captain and previous co-CEO will be the sole CEO of TUI fly GmbH and member of TUI’s source market Board Central Region.

“Roland Keppler took over as CEO TUI fly Deutschland in the autumn of 2016 under very challenging circumstances and managed to navigate the airline through turbulent times. He prepared the integration of the airline into TUI Aviation and helped develop the strategy of intensifying the integration of our airlines with the source market organisations, which we are now implementing. We expressly wish to thank Roland Keppler for his commitment and wish him all the best for the future,” said David Burling, TUI Group CEO Markets and Airlines.

Oliver Lackmann, who has already been COO and Accountable Manager since March this year, will now join the source market Board Central Region, headed by Marek Andryszak, CEO TUI Deutschland. TUI fly is thus closely involved in all agreements of the German tour operator, and TUI fly and TUI Germany cooperate in order to take joint decisions. TUI fly’s HR functions now report to Sybille Reiß, member of the source market Board Central Region, while all Finance functions report to Mathias Kiep, who also sits on the source market Board Central Region.

TUI Group’s five holiday airlines are also moving closer together. A number of key functions will be pooled in TUI Aviation so as to enhance efficiency between the companies in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany. This integration will now also be intensified as the flight operations will also collaborate more closely. Oliver Lackmann, a trained pilot, will take over as Group Director Flight Operations including Compliance & Safety Management and represent TUI fly on TUI’s Aviation Board. He will report to Kenton Jarvis, CEO TUI Aviation.

TUI Group’s fleet now comprises more than 150 aircraft. At the beginning of the year, a comprehensive fleet renewal programme was launched with the acquisition of 72 Boeing 737 Max jets (plus 48 options).

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