Chinese payment system Sendy available on Sapsan

Chinese payment system Sendy now available on Russia’s Sapsan trains

Russian Railways has expanded the list of payment systems that can be used to pay for services and purchases onboard the high-speed Sapsan trains.

All Sapsan trains are now connected to the services provided by the Sendy payment system, which is based on online payment technology and QR codes.

Sendy is also a service provider for the Chinese payment services WeChat Pay and Alipay in Russia.

To make a payment to a Chinese purchaser, all that is needed is a smartphone with a WeChat Pay or Alipay electronic wallet.

Passengers therefore now have the opportunity to pay for souvenirs offered on Sapsan trains, not only using the Russian electronic payment means Sendy, but also through WeChat Pay and Alipay, which are China’s most popular electronic payment systems.

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In the near future, this service will also be available when paying for catering services provided onboard the Sapsan trains.

Sapsan trains are becoming increasingly popular among tourists from the People’s Republic of China. In October 2019, more than 26,700 Chinese tourists traveled on the Sapsan trains, 17% more than in the same period last year. In the 10 months to the end of October 2019, Sapsan trains carried a total of 293,800 Chinese passengers.

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