ana b787 Dreamliner

ANA presents new set of Japanese cuisine

Japan’s only 5-star rated airline ANA continues to expand its offerings as part of its ‘Tastes of JAPAN’ campaign which launched in September 2013. This project, which introduces regional beverages and cuisine to ANA flights, airport lounges and other services, is designed to raise the profile of Japan’s lesser-known prefectures, particularly to overseas customers, and drive tourism to Japan. The ninth phase of the project will introduce ANA customers to products from Niigata, Kanagawa and Shiga prefectures between September and November 2015.

This will include:

ana taste japan9

Airport Lounges: Japanese Sake Corner

As part of the project, ANA customers are able to sample Japanese sake, shochu and awamori, the ‘Kokushu’ or national spirits of Japan, at ANA airport lounges in Haneda, Narita and Kansai Airports.

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