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Prague Cancels Pub Tours to Attract Culture-Seeking Visitors

In an effort to shift its image and attract more sophisticated travelers, Prague has made the decision to cancel all guided pub tours.

The Czech capital, attracting millions of visitors each year and famous for its lively nightlife and bustling bars, is taking steps to move away from its reputation as a destination for alcohol-centered tourism.

The Prague City Council recently announced the ban on pub tours, a popular activity for tourists, particularly during the evenings and late-night hours.

The decision is part of a broader strategy to cultivate a more refined tourism experience in the city.

Zdenek Hrib, Prague’s Deputy Mayor, confirmed that the city is focusing on attracting “more cultured and wealthier tourists” by ending the guided pub tours that cater primarily to visitors seeking to indulge in Prague’s famous bar scene.

“We prefer tourists who come for more than just drinking,” Hrib said, underlining the council’s vision for a more upscale and culture-driven visitor demographic.

While Prague has long been known for its vibrant nightlife, the shift toward cultural tourism is significant. The Czech Republic leads the world in alcohol consumption, with the average person consuming 128 liters of beer last year.

Given that beer is often cheaper than water in many parts of the country, it’s no surprise that the city has been a magnet for beer lovers.

However, the local government believes that it’s time for a change. With this ban, Prague aims to showcase its rich historical, cultural, and architectural offerings rather than solely focusing on its pub scene.

While some may lament the loss of the iconic pub tours, the city hopes to enhance the overall experience for a different kind of traveler.

The council remains optimistic that these changes will help position Prague as a premier destination for those looking to explore its culture, heritage, and art—without the need for a pint in hand.

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