ANA and JAL Announce New Accessibility Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 - Focus on Travel News
ANA and JAL COVID-19 guidelines

ANA and JAL Announce New Accessibility Guidelines in Response to COVID-19

All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Japan Airlines (JAL), under the direct supervision of The Nippon Care-Fit Education Institute, today announced a new accessibility guideline for customers requesting special assistance at the airport and during flights and airline employees to ensure a safe and accessible journey when traveling by air during COVID-19 crisis.

The guideline follows the  International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) “Guidance on Accessible Air Travel in Response to COVID-19”,  which lays out the basic principles for airlines to follow on special assistance requests, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan’s guideline on measures of communication-based assistance for customers need special assistance.

Based on the jointly announced new accessibility guidelines, ANA and JAL will act responsibly and respond to the needs of the traveling public, while strengthening efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Both carriers seek to provide a safe, secure and accessible travel experience.

1. Creating a Hygienic Environments

Committing to create hygienic environments at airports, lounges, and inside the aircraft in order to provide greater safety and peace of mind when traveling under conditions of concern for infection with the new coronavirus.  

2. Appropriate Measures to Prevent Infections

Implement appropriate measures to prevent infection of both customers and airline employees in response to customer needs and condition such as disabilities. 

ana jal covid guidelines

3. Providing Appropriate Information

Provide customers with updated information on infection prevention measures

For full details, refer to the carrier’s website below:



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