Italy Can’t Quit Mask Requirement on Public Transport - Focus on Travel News
Italy covid mask requirement

Italy Can’t Quit Mask Requirement on Public Transport

Italy relaxes its mask requirements which are in effect for a long time. However, the government extends the mask mandate on public transport, with the exception of planes, until 30 September.

According to the new update, using masks in airplane travel, theater, cinema, and indoor sports events was no longer mandatory, but the public was still advised to use masks.

Due to the high risk of spreading the virus, the duration of the obligation to use masks in urban public transport has been extended until September 30.

Except for public transportation, the obligation to use masks in health institutions and nursing homes will continue until the end of September.

Health Minister’s Covid-19 test was positive

It has been reported that the Covid-19 test of Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who has been one of the leaders of the epidemic emergency in the country since the beginning of the Kovid-19 epidemic, was positive.

It was stated that Speranza isolated himself at home and was connected to the Council of Ministers Meeting, which discussed the mask use decision, via video conference.

Since the epidemic officially started in the country in February 2020, the total number of cases has reached 17 million 736 thousand 696 as of today, while the number of people who lost their lives has reached 167 thousand 553.

The number of daily cases in the country has been changing between 7 thousand and 40 thousand in recent weeks.

Source: AA

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