Bit Milano

Bit Milano to be Held Virtually

Bit Milano, the International Tourism Exchange, will be held for the first time in digital form, renewing at 360 degrees the appointment dedicated to the world of travel thanks to a completely new way of operating. 

The decision was taken after listening to the market and is the result of a careful evaluation of every possible solution, closely linked to the situation we are experiencing. Therefore, this will be a highly innovative edition, full of opportunities: arising from the possibility of business meetings between operators and thanks to the new features of Expoplaza, which is part of the new platform developed by Fiera Milano,

BIT Milano digital edition will be held May ’21, 9-11 and It will be extended for other three intense days dedicated to consumers and to the promotion of tourism offer at 360 degrees, doubling its duration with a subsequent extension of the proposals developed by exhibitors in the catalogue,

Operators in the catalogue will also have the opportunity to get in touch with potential buyers and to access the rich calendar of training and information events that have always distinguished Bit Milano and that will be addressing subjects of great topicality and usefulness for the relaunch of the entire tourism system.

This rich schedule of meetings aimed at industry professionals will form the core of the webinar programme, which will be curated under the editorial direction of Carlo Antonelli.

Bit 2021 will be strongly oriented towards promoting all the proposals that the sector has drawn up and put on track for distant destinations, but with a focus on tourism in our country, which will still play a fundamental role in consumer choices for some time to come.

So, once again this year, the world of Bit Milano will be able to continue to meet across borders and to admire the beauty of an exhibition offering which has no limits. A true digital catwalk, full of images, videos, suggestions and of interesting and engaging information.

All updates will be available online on the exhibition website

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