Ali Onaran - PRONTOTOUR - Focus on Travel News
ali onaran


Ali Onaran, CEO of PRONTOTOUR presented Turkish tourist profile for ftnNEWS readers.

ftnNEWS: Could you please tell us about yourself and PRONTOTOUR? How many people travel with PRONTOTOUR every year?

I’ve been working for tourism sector since 1986. Our company PRONTOTOUR established in 1993 & I joined it on 1999. After 2 years, I bought all rights of the company & start to make business about Mass tourism activities. Since 2007, PRONTOTOUR is the leader company of Outbound operations as the basis of yearly sales. At the end of 2015, PRONTOTOUR will be around 75,000 pax Outbound sales.

ftnNEWS: What can you tell us about the Turkish travelers?

Turkish travelers are visiting mostly European countries regarding food & beverage facilities as closest as the Turkish people. That’s why Italy, Central Europe countries, Balkan Countries, Benelux countries & Spain total sales around %70 of our total sales. I advise them to visit European countries after that they should visit the rest of the world like Asia, America, Australia, Antarctica & Africa… Because the world is the best if you meet with new cultures, if you taste the new things like a new kitchen… Also when you meet with a people who have different behaviors than us is invaluable experience for travelers. The more they travel the more understand what I mean.

ftnNEWS: Can you name us some of the most popular international destinations for Turkish travelers?

For the Turkish travelers, most visited countries are Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, France, Spain, Holland, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia & Greece.

ftnNEWS: What are your plans for the future?

PRONTOTOUR will have been growing year by year not less than %20. We’re going to continue to be the leader company of Outbound operations. Certainly we will have new targets & investments. We have started to establish a chain hotel in Zanzibar Island/Tanzania & will be completed on 2017.

PRONTOTOUR will have open new head offices in 6-7 planned countries in order to make Outbound operations like in Turkey. Certainly everybody should be sure that our target is to be leading company with our offices at each of those destinations.

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