Hard Rock to Help ‘Save the Planet’ by Eliminating Plastic Straws - Focus on Travel News
Plastic Straws

Hard Rock to Help ‘Save the Planet’ by Eliminating Plastic Straws

Hard Rock International announced the goal to eliminate plastic straws at properties worldwide effective September 1, 2018, in addition to existing ‘green’ initiatives already in place at the Hard Rock Cafes/Hotels/Casinos globally.

Aside from the straw initiative, HRI will transition to paper only to-go bags by mid-August.

“One of Hard Rock’s founding mottos is to ‘Save the Planet’, and this is only an extension of the commitment we made to do just that 47 years ago,” said Senior Vice President of Purchasing at Hard Rock International, Tracy Bradford. “Our vendors and partners have been and will continue to be instrumental in activating this endeavor across the globe, and we are proud to help make a difference in conscientious sustainability practices as a business – it’s the right thing to do.”

As leaders in gaming and hospitality, the iconic Hard Rock brand will be announcing more save the planet initiatives in the next few months, including partnerships with key charity partners that share the values of the business to help protect the earth’s natural resources and environment.

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