Red Roof's Student Support Program Offers Discounts - Focus on Travel News
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Red Roof’s Student Support Program Offers Discounts

Red Roof, the leader in upscale economy lodging, understands the difficulty of this uncertain time, especially for university and continuing education students who were suddenly displaced as a result of campuses closing due to CDC protocols in response to COVID-19. 

Mandated closings of schools across the country have left many with nowhere to go, as student housing and meal plans are suspended. Many students are in limbo and not able to return home due to travel restrictions and personal and professional obligations. With many hotels close to college campuses, Red Roof has launched the Student Support Program to help students who can’t get home find stability and an immediate place to stay. The Support Program provides students with a 30% discount, per room, for stays at participating locations across the country including Red Roof Inn® and Red Roof PLUS+® properties. Students looking for longer term accommodation, seven days or more, will receive a $25 Amazon gift card to help purchase essential items.

“We know there is a real need for students who are scrambling to find a place to stay and may be far away from their hometown and family with nowhere to go,” says Marina MacDonald, CMO at Red Roof. “Red Roof has many locations near colleges and universities, and we have created the Student Support Program to provide secure and safe accommodations to give students some stability and peace of mind.”

Students must show valid college identification to receive the 30% discount and weekly stay incentive. Rooms include Fast. Free. Verified. WiFi* that will allow students to be connected and engaged with virtual learning and e-classes during their stays. Pets can travel with students and always stay free. Students looking for accommodations close to campuses can book through May 15 and can stay through May 31, 2020 using VP code 627535.

Students are encouraged to book direct online here, by calling 800.RED.ROOF or by calling or booking at a specific participating property. Third Party Bookings are not eligible. This offer may not be combined with other discounts or offers. Subject to availability. Not available at Hometowne Studios by Red Roof.

*Verified Wi-Fi at participating locations.

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