Rossiya Airlines' CEO steps down - Focus on Travel News
Dmitry Saprykin

Rossiya Airlines’ CEO steps down

The Board of Directors of Rossiya Airlines has approved the early termination of the authority of the airline’s CEO, Dmitry Saprykin. Dmitry Saprykin’s contract would have expired in November 2018.

Dmitry Saprykin led Rossiya since November 2015, when Aeroflot Group management was tasked with integrating a number of regional carriers belonging to the Group under the Rossiya brand.

The new carrier absorbed the experience and best practices of Rossiya, the largest carrier in north-west Russia, as well as Donavia and Orenair. The new mid-market airline launched nationwide in March 2016.

In its first year the new Rossiya achieved significant operational success. In 2017 it was the second biggest carrier in Russia, carrying 11 million passengers, an increase of 27% year-on-year. As of June 2018 Rossiya Airlines served more than 130 destinations in Russia and abroad.

Sergey Alexandrovsky, Deputy CEO for Sales and Property, has been named as acting CEO of Rossiya Airlines.

“The outstanding qualities of Rossiya’s management team are its youth, understanding of contemporary trends and high level of professionalism,” PJSC Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Saveliev said. “Dmitry Saprykin not only combined all of these qualities, but was able to create an efficient, creative and innovative team capable of delivering against highly challenging tasks. I have no doubt that a manager of his class will find success in any area of business that he chooses to pursue.”

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