airBaltic CEO Announces Another Record Year for airBaltic - Focus on Travel News

airBaltic CEO Announces Another Record Year for airBaltic

Latvian airline airBaltic has carried 3 842 952 or 18% more passengers during the first eleven months of 2018 than in the same period last year to its network spanning Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, CIS and the Middle East.

In November 2018, 289 566 passengers or 15% more than last year travelled with airBaltic.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “This is another record year for airBaltic, and we will maintain our sustainable growth path also in the future, by launching at least six new destinations in 2019. Recently we were recognized as the leading Latvian exporter by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia. As we expand our operations, we continue to strengthen our positions as the leading Latvian export brand.”

During the first eleven months of 2018 airBaltic has operated 51 791 flights. In November 2018, the airline performed 4 375 flights, or 12% more than in the same period of 2017. The airline’s load factor, which represents the number of passengers as a proportion of the number of available seats, during first eleven months of 2018 was at a level of 76%.

The 15-minute flight punctuality indicator for airBaltic during the first eleven months of 2018 reached a level of 88%. This means that more than 88 out of every 100 airBaltic flights departed at the planned time or with a delay of no more than 15 minutes. In November, punctuality indicator reached 92%.



November, 2018

November, 2017


Number of passengers

289 566

251 387


Number of flights

4 375

3 914


Load factor




15-minute flight punctuality indicator





January – November, 2018

January – November, 2017


Number of passengers

3 842 952

3 258 421


Number of flights

51 791

46 142


Load factor




15-minute flight punctuality indicator





airBaltic serves over 70 destinations from Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius, offering the largest variety of destinations and convenient connections via Riga to its network spanning Europe, Scandinavia, the CIS and the Middle East. For summer 2019, airBaltic has introduced three new destinations from Tallinn to Malaga, Brussels and Copenhagen. In addition, next summer airBaltic will launch new direct routes from Riga to Stuttgart and Lviv.

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