airport departures table

Delayed Flight? Here’s How to Get Through It

There are few things more annoying in life than a delayed flight. Few people genuinely enjoy being in airports, no matter how nice some of them may be, so being faced with the prospect of being trapped in one longer than you need to with no possible means of escape is truly the stuff of nightmares.

Long flights delays are something we all have to deal with and will probably have to deal with a lot more in the future, given that the proportion of delayed or canceled flights has been rising steadily over the past few years. However, if you come prepared, you’ll be able to soften the blow and make your wait in the departures lounge as pleasant as humanly possible. Here’s how to survive a long flight delay.

Know Your Rights

One of the most frustrating elements of a flight delay is feeling like you have no control over things whatsoever. The best way to help mitigate this feeling is by knowing all of your rights in relation to the airline and your insurance policy. Calculate what kind of compensation you’re entitled to, see what freebies you can bag in the airport, and know how to lodge a refund claim.

Load Your Phone Up

Your phone is always your friend, no more so than when you’re stuck at the airport. To pass the time effectively, make sure you have plenty of fun, engrossing apps to keep your mind occupied. Try and load up on gaming apps before you head to the airport so that you’re fully covered in the event of a very long and boring delay. More and more, game developers on platforms are hosting a range of games in one plavce. For example, Mr. Green Android app hosts over 300 games including roulette and slots, so users save on storage space.

Do a Little Exploring

Airports these days are often the size of small towns, meaning there’s always going to be plenty for you to explore and pass the time. Not all airports are the same cut-and-paste shopping malls – some of the best ones have really awesome features that’ll help you forget you’re even in an airport. Changi Airport in Singapore has an actual rooftop pool you can use, while San Francisco International Airport has a fully-equipped yoga studio, so you’ll have no excuses for your boredom.

Busan Green and Growing

Eat Some Comfort Food

If there’s one thing everyone can agree they enjoy, it’s food. While you might not be totally keen on forking out insane airport prices for a Burger King, remember that a delay will often mean that you’re entitled to free food coupons from the airline. Most modern airports have dozens of places to grab a bite to eat, ranging from futuristic sushi bars, to vegan health food cafes, to gut-busting burgers that have even been inspired by Man vs FoodIf life is getting you down, just eat the pain away.

No matter how excruciating a delayed flight might feel, remember that the pain is temporary. Just a little bit of savvy and commitment to keeping yourself occupied will stop you from going insane, allowing you to actually enjoy yourself once you finally land.

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