FLYKHY, New Airline of Turkish Cyprus - Focus on Travel News

FLYKHY, New Airline of Turkish Cyprus

Fly Cyprus Airlines (FLYKHY) was introduced at the new Ercan Airport with a magnificent ceremony.

President of the Republic Assembly Zorlu Töre, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı, one of the founding partners of Fly Cyprus Airlines Rauf Denktaş, Mehmet Dalman Yücel, Nusret Polat as well as Cyprus MPs, many invited representatives of travel agencies from Turkey, and members of the press from Cyprus and Turkey.

Fly Cyprus Airlines will primarily organize 2 reciprocal flights to Istanbul and 1 reciprocal flight per day to Ankara and Izmir, reported Turizmcinin Gazetesi.

It has been reported that FLYKHY is planning charter flights from Northern Cyprus to Erbil, Tehran, Pristina, Amman and Baku as on 21 May.

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