Lufthansa Enables Fast Check-in with Digital Vaccination Certificate - Focus on Travel News
Check-in with Digital Vaccination Certificate

Lufthansa Enables Fast Check-in with Digital Vaccination Certificate

More than a quarter of the German population has now been vaccinated twice against Covid-19. For a few days now, pharmacies, doctors, and vaccination centers have been issuing QR codes for vaccinated persons, the so-called digital vaccination certificates.

Just in time for the start of the Hessian school summer holidays, passengers with the digital vaccination certificate can once again check in faster with Lufthansa and receive their boarding pass.

Here’s how it works:

Travelers present the digital vaccination certificate, which proves full vaccination protection, either via app or on a printout at check-in at the airport. There, it is read and the boarding pass is issued directly and without complications. This eliminates the need to take various papers and proofs to the airport. It also makes it much more difficult to misuse forged vaccination certificates, as the system compares the data from the QR code with the booking and passenger data.

In the future, mobile check-in via smartphone will also be faster and easier: On selected routes, it will soon be possible to scan QR vaccination certificates with the Lufthansa app or to load them digitally into the app. The app recognizes the QR code and uses this information to create the boarding pass.

Anyone who is concerned that they do not have the right certificates for the trip can have them checked by a Lufthansa Service Center on selected flights up to 72 hours before departure. These can be proof of tests, survived Covid-19 disease and now vaccinations. Confirmations of digital entry applications can also be checked in this way. The airline recommends that its guests continue to carry the original printed certificates with them on the trip, in addition to the digital proof, until further notice.

Which documents must be carried and where Covid-19 tests can also be made for the return journey can be found at

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