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Lufthansa pilots call strike on Tuesday

Germany’s pilot union Vereinigung Cockpit said Monday that its rank-and-file would strike on Tuesday, 08.09.2015 between 08:00 and 23:59 for long-haul and cargo flights operated by Lufthansa. Union and management have been locked in a dispute since April 2014 over management plans to change the pilots’ early retirement arrangements that would scrap the ability of pilots to retire at age 55 and receive up to 60 percent of their salary until they are 65 years old.

Pilots are concerned about Lufthansa’s aim to further develop its low-cost activities as it faces growing competition. Strikes over the long running dispute has already reportedly cost the company more than 300 million euros (338.4 million dollars).

Tuesday’s action will only affect the Lufthansa parent company, not the other airlines within the group, the pilots’ union said in a statement.

Lufthansa asked passengers to check the status of their flight and their booking prior to departure. Alternative flights with a check-in option will be available, if possible.

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