Miami International Airport (MIA) launches Massive Energy Saving Program - Focus on Travel News
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Miami International Airport (MIA) launches Massive Energy Saving Program

This summer Miami International Airport (MIA) and FPL Services (FPLS) are dramatically lowering the airport’s energy expenses, thanks to the Sustainability Project at MIA. MIA and FPLS recently unveiled the project, which is one of the largest energy-saving programs ever in the state of Florida and in the eastern U.S.

Over the next two years, the project will install $32 million worth of air conditioning and ventilation upgrades, water conservation retrofits, energy-efficient lighting, and other green initiatives at MIA that will save the airport more than $40 million in utility costs over the 14-year agreement with FPLS. In terms of environmental conservation, the project will reduce annual carbon emissions at MIA by the equivalent of 5,110 automobiles and water consumption equal to 28 million gallons of water (or 43 Olympic-size swimming pools).

In addition to achieving massive energy savings, the project will create more than 300 new jobs during installation. MIA is one of the largest energy consumers in Miami-Dade County, so they are implementing measures like the Sustainability Project to be an efficient consumer. According to airport officials, the $40 million in savings will help MIA decrease operating costs and lessen the financial burden passed on to current and prospective airlines, which in turn supports growth and the local economy.

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