New Security Checkpoint in Honolulu Airport - Focus on Travel News
New Security Checkpoint in Honolulu Airport

New Security Checkpoint in Honolulu Airport

Thousands of Hawaiian Airlines guests departing from Honolulu each day will now enjoy a more efficient and convenient airport experience thanks to the carrier’s investment in a new multimillion-dollar TSA security checkpoint.

The facility, which opens tomorrow in Hawaiian’s lobby 3 at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL), adds 1,000 square feet for passenger queuing and 3,000 square feet of screening area.

“This expanded screening capacity will alleviate congestion and make check-in easier for our guests whether they are taking a short trip to another island or boarding a transpacific flight,”

Hawaiian Airlines President and CEO Peter Ingram said during a blessing ceremony for the new facility today. “We appreciate the support of our partners including the State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation and the TSA to help us create a better travel experience for our guests.”

“A big congratulations and mahalo to Hawaiian Airlines on this significant investment into the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport,” said Hawai‘i Department of Transportation Director Ed Sniffen.

“Everyone will benefit, from those who fly often for work and medical services, to those who fly casually to relax and reconnect.”

“The completion of this project highlights how much can be accomplished when we work together for the benefit of the traveling public,” said TSA Federal Security Director for Hawai‘i Nanea Vasta.

“The security checkpoint will provide an enhanced passenger screening experience for the traveling public to enjoy, an improved work environment for TSA security screening officers while also supporting TSA’s mission of providing greater security effectiveness and efficiency in our screening operations.”

Hawai‘i’s hometown airline, which offers more than 90 daily flights from HNL, invested $14 million to build the new TSA checkpoint, which replaces the former center screening area between Hawaiian’s lobbies 2 and 3 and also relocates restroom facilities.

Guests can now use TSA checkpoint 1A in lobby 2 that exits at the Mauka Concourse – where Hawaiian boards most of its transpacific flights – or the new checkpoint 1B in lobby 3 that leads directly to gates primarily used for Hawaiian’s interisland departures.

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