Plus Ultra Lineas Aereas

Plus Ultra Lineas Aereas Chooses APG

Plus Ultra Lineas Aereas, a Spanish scheduled carrier serving a network of long-haul routes from Madrid’s Barajas airport, has chosen APG as its GSA in Colombia effective from February 1st, 2022.

Plus Ultra, is planning to start online operations to Colombia from June 2022 connecting Madrid (Spain) with Bogotá (Colombia) as well as Cartagena (Colombia). Under the agreement APG will be providing wide-ranging sales and marketing services for Plus Ultra, as well as full customer and agent support.

Sandrine de Saint Sauveur, CEO of APG Inc. commented “We are delighted that Plus Ultra has placed this vote of confidence in APG and I am very confident in the success that lays ahead for our two brands under this accord.”

On behalf of Plus Ultra, D. Fernando García Manso, President of Plus Ultra added that “This alliance with APG in Colombia, allows us to enter this market with the necessary local talent that guarantees global class know-how”.

The combination of know how at both Plus Ultra and APG is of great importance both for passengers and travel agencies who will benefit from the Plus Ultra new routes, especially in Colombia.

Plus Ultra´s fleet of A340s and excellent service will create immediate interest from those seeking to travel between Spain and Colombia. Other cities are planned in their business plan and under evaluation for further route connections between Spain and Colombia.

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