Why Delta cancels flights between Atlanta and Dubai? - Focus on Travel News
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Why Delta cancels flights between Atlanta and Dubai?

North America’s Leading Airline; Delta Air Lines is cancelling its flights between Dubai and Atlanta. The cancellation of the service will be effective from February 11, 2016, the airline said. The announcement comes months after Delta said that it is reducing its flights between Atlanta and Dubai from a daily service to a weekly one.

Peter Carter, Delta’s E.V.P. and Chief Legal Officer complains of competing with Gulf airlines because he said they were accepting massive government subsidies that have distorted the competitive landscape.

Alongside other U.S. airlines, Delta has asked the federal government to open consultations with Qatar and United Arab Emirates, which own Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. Carter noted that the Middle East carriers receive about $42 billion in subsidies from their governments.

“Emirates has been flooding the market with capacity,” Carter said. “We know this is not the first route we’ve had to cancel as a result of the subsidized Mideast carriers.”

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