spa ce 2015

SPA-CE opens its doors in Hévíz

One of the most important spa and wellness events of the year has taken over Hungary and the beautiful Hévíz. SPA-CE, trade show for spa and wellness of Central Europe, these days welcomed spa and wellness providers and hosted buyers from 18 different countries at the seventh edition of the show.

Maja Pak, Acting Director of Slovenian Tourist Board and partner of the project said: “Slovenian Tourist Board is proud to co-create the SPA-CE trade show, this year for the second time in Hungary, namely in the famous resort Hévíz.”

SPA-CE, organized by Slovenian Spa Association and marketing agency Go.Mice/Toleranca marketing, is each year gaining greater international recognition and establishing a stronger position on the spa and wellness market. Iztok Altbauer, Director of Slovenian Spa Association and organizer of SPA-CE emphasized: “Speaking about spas in Central Europe means speaking about SPA-CE, the only trade show of Spa and Wellness in Central Europe. The 7th edition is proving again that the workshop is not a fairytale but that the trade show is each year strengthening its position.”

After being organized in Health & Spa Resort Radenci in Slovenia last year, SPA-CE returned to Hungary for another great B2B event filled with new business ideas for a relaxed and healthy way of living. “We are very pleased that we have managed to lure back the event SPA-CE to West Hungary,” said Orsolya Horváth, Managing director of Hévíz TDM Association and the official host of the event. And continued:”In Hévíz, we work on developing a colourful international clientele, nurturing the traditions of the more than 220-year-old traditional Hévíz therapy and promoting the delivery of the most modern beauty and wellness treatments to our guests”

Busan Green and Growing

SPA-CE now in its seventh year, attracted key spa and wellness providers from Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia. In the following days they will meet with cherry-picked hosted buyers coming to Hévíz from all around the world including Kazakhstan, Canada and United States. Next to having business meetings they will also be able to experience the local spa and wellness offer and listen to expert speakers like Anni Hood, Founder and CEO of Wellness Business Consultancy from UK and Eva Kiewel, Coordinator at European Spas Association, speak at SPA-CE conference. Throughout the event and in scope of the evening programme they will be able to enjoy the exceptional Hungarian hospitality. Orsolya Horváth invited them to experience in a few days as much of Hévíz as possible: “Experience the healing effects of the town, the high-quality and guest-focused services personally as well, and do not miss the wines of Lake Balaton and the specialties of the traditional Hungarian cuisine.”

Hosted buyers, many of them coming to the land of the healing water for the first time, will conclude their SPA-CE experience with a fully hosted fam trip that will confirm the information received during one2one meetings and present the Hungarian spa and wellness offer in full.

The eight SPA-CE will gather the spa and wellness industry of the Central Europe again next October.

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