Inaugural STS Domestic Showcase Event in Alabama Postpones - Focus on Travel News
STS Domestic Showcase

Inaugural STS Domestic Showcase Event in Alabama Postpones

The Southeast Tourism Society (STS) announced that planning for its inaugural Domestic Showcase, scheduled for February 8-11, 2021, in Huntsville, AL, will be rescheduled due to the nation’s current COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing concerns for public health and safety.

 STS is working to develop a new online education and networking program for Domestic Showcase group tour buyers, tourism product suppliers and travel journalists to be held in Spring 2021. Additional information about the new online program, registration and sponsorship opportunities will be announced later this fall.

“We carefully evaluated various options for the 2021 event and surveyed previous Domestic Showcase participants to gauge the impact of COVID-19 on both their budgets and health & safety concerns. We are appreciative of the support we have received from the Huntsville/Madison County Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and the Alabama Tourism Department as we worked through the process to reach this difficult decision, but one that we know is best for the health and well-being of our members, partners and the industry,” said STS President & CEO Monica Smith. She indicated that STS will partner with the Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau and Virginia Tourism Corporation to host the society’s inaugural Domestic Showcase event in Virginia Beach, VA, February 13-15, 2022, and that they are working closely with the Alabama Host Committee to finalize dates for 2023.

“The Huntsville/Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau appreciates our strong partnership with the Southeast Tourism Society. Although the decision to reschedule Domestic Showcase was difficult, the health and well-being of the showcase participants is paramount. We appreciate the consideration, cooperation, and professional manner in which the determination was made, and we look forward to working with the Southeast Tourism Society to ensure a successful Domestic Showcase in Huntsville, Alabama, in 2023,” said Judy Ryals, President & CEO of the Huntsville/Madison County CVB.

Smith continued, “As always, STS is committed to supporting the efforts of our members and partners, as we all work to safely revive the travel industry by bringing the attention of group tour businesses, leisure travelers and the travel media to the amazing tourism assets our region offers.”

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