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Prost! Germany’s Oktoberfest kicks off in Munich

It’s nearly October and so beer fest time in Munich, where almost half a million liters are served per day. The 182nd Oktoberfest has begun in Munich after the tapping of the first keg. The festival is expected to draw 6 million visitors.

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter on Saturday opened the 16-day festival in the Bavarian capital, tapping the first keg with just two blows of his large mallet in comparison with the four he needed at his first-ever attempt last year.

Some 6 million visitors are expected to attend the festival on Munich’s “Wiesn” (meadows) – as the venue is known – before it closes on 4 October.

A liter of beer, which is the traditional measure at the event, will cost them more than 10 euros ($11.31), but the price is unlikely to put a brake on the high consumption of the golden drink.

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