Sarawak Pavilion Shines at IMEX Frankfurt 2024 - Focus on Travel News
Delegates representing Sarawak at IMEX Frankfurt 2024

Sarawak Pavilion Shines at IMEX Frankfurt 2024

On May 14, 2024 Sarawak launched its iconic Sarawak Pavilion at IMEX Frankfurt in Germany.

It marked the destination’s second year exhibiting with a standalone pavilion at one of the world’s largest and most respected business event tradeshows.

Sarawak is showcasing itself from 14–16 May, on Stand A200, as the Legacy Capital of Business Events in Malaysia and Borneo, offering in-demand event solutions to the worldwide business events market. The theme of this year’s pavilion is community growth and development, highlighting the power of collaborations to drive social and economic transformation through business events.

There are three key talking points from Sarawak: Legacy Impact of Business Events hosted in Sarawak, the International Journal on Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL), and the Post COVID-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030.

Leading the delegation is The Honourable Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Sarawak’s Deputy Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts, who is also meeting with international industry leaders during the tradeshow.

Sarawak representatives shows thumbs up at IMEX Frankfurt 2024

“Exhibiting at IMEX Frankfurt amplifies the message that Sarawak is genuinely interested and engaged in impact-driven events. With the Post COVID-19 Development Strategy 2030 in motion, the Sarawak government actively seeks quality business events to contribute to economic prosperity, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability,” asserted The Honourable Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Deputy Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak.

“To attract international conventions and exhibitions, as well as corporate meetings and incentives, Sarawak must be recognisable and identifiable around the world. We are glad to be here again for the second year to explore new business opportunities with global players.”

Sarawak has taken the pavilion to another level by collaborating with the Culinary & Heritage Arts Society Sarawak (CHASS), UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) Kuching Creative City of Gastronomy, and food and beverage provider, The Bibber’s Tale to showcase the fascinating relationship between business events and creative communities.

The key design chosen to reflect Sarawak’s theme of community growth and development is the Tree of Life. This design visually represents business events’ direct and indirect impact on society, and how every form of business gathering is related to the world around us.

“Legacy impact is an important sense of purpose for the global business events community. They are becoming more aware of their impact, and we hope that by reaffirming our Legacy Capital status in Frankfurt, we can acquire useful insights, solid business leads, and prospective partnerships to help enhance this status and contribute to the PCDS 2030,” said Amelia Roziman, CEO of BESarawak.

IMEX Frankfurt visitors are welcome to enjoy the pavilion’s show floor entertainment on stand A200 and meet this year’s co-exhibitors:

  1. Business Events Sarawak (Convention Bureau)
  2. Borneo Adventure (Destination Management Company)
  3. Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (Venue)
  4. Cat City Holidays (Destination Management Company)
  5. Hemisphere Hospitality (Hospitality and Tourism Services Provider)
  6. Place Borneo (Professional Conference Organiser)
  7. Pullman Miri Waterfront Hotel (Hotel and Venue)
  8. Pullman Kuching Hotel (Hotel and Venue)

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