ICCA summermeeting15

Warsaw hosts ICCA Central European Chapter Summer Meeting in August

The ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) Central European Chapter Summer Meeting will take place between 26th and 28th of August 2015 in Warsaw, Poland. The annual ICCA CEC Summer Meeting is primarily an educational conference, and therefore hosts of this year’s meeting put strong emphasis on rich program, whose motto is ‘Money makes the world go around’.

Educational sessions are divided into two major panels. Participants and invited guests will try to answer the two following questions:

  • How strategies for winning new business have changed over the years. Does money/finances play a role? Examples/Case studies of PCO/DMC, associations, a venue and a CVB.
  • Why discounting does not work? Everyone is wondering how to promote their destinations, facilities, services etc. more effectively. Are price cuts an effective tool?

In the third part of the meeting Martin Sirk, ICCA CEO, will give a briefing and Questions & Answers session about ICCA’s new strategic plan, which is due for adoption at the forthcoming congress. He will elaborate on why changes are being made, and what it will mean for members in terms of future business.

The meeting is open to both ICCA members and non-members, after prior approval of the ICCA Head Office.

Registration opens for the meeting, for more information visit the event website: http://iccacec2015.e-registration.pl/icca.html.

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