Green light UFO sighting near the moon in the sky over Es Vedrà, Ibiza.

Green Light in Ibiza Skies: UFO or Illusion?

Visitors at the picturesque viewpoint of Cala d’Hort in Ibiza were in for an unexpected surprise recently when a mysterious green light appeared in the sky near the moon.

The event, which took place on a serene Sunday evening, has since captivated the internet, sparking discussions and debates about what exactly was seen.

The viral video, which captures the strange light, shows a flattened, greenish object moving rapidly across the sky shortly after sunset.

Witnesses, who were initially there to enjoy the breathtaking views of Es Vedrà, were left in disbelief as the phenomenon unfolded.

Javier López, one of the witnesses, shared his experience: “I was there with my family, just taking in the sunset. Suddenly, we saw this light. It moved so fast! We couldn’t believe our eyes.”

Busan Green and Growing

Despite the excitement and curiosity, there has been no official confirmation about the nature of the sighting. Some social media users have speculated that the video could be a clever hoax or perhaps the result of a camera lens flare. Others, however, suggest that Es Vedrà, known for its strong magnetic field, could indeed be a hotspot for such unusual activity.

@ibiza did anyone see this 😱 #ibiza ♬ origineel geluid – Ibiza

Maria Gonzalez, another visitor at the scene, added, “I’ve always heard stories about Es Vedrà being a mystical place. Seeing this with my own eyes, it makes me wonder if there’s some truth to those legends.”

This latest sighting adds to the lore surrounding Es Vedrà, an islet that has long been associated with myths and legends. Whether this green light is an actual UFO or simply an optical illusion remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Es Vedrà continues to intrigue and mystify all who visit.

As the debate rages on, both skeptics and believers are eagerly awaiting more information. Until then, the enchanting allure of Es Vedrà and its potential secrets continue to draw curious visitors from around the globe.

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