African athletes win 41st Vodafone Istanbul Marathon - Focus on Travel News
Vodafone Istanbul Marathon

African athletes win 41st Vodafone Istanbul Marathon

A total of 63 elite athletes and Istanbulities attended the Vodafone 41st Istanbul Marathon. The marathon started on Sunday morning at 09.00 am local time from Istanbul’s Asian side and ended on the European side of the city.

Some 37,000 chipped runners from 106 countries and all across Turkey participated in the 41st edition of the race. Thousands of Istanbulities have signed up for the fun marathon and ran at the Fun Run which started under Altunizade Bridge and finished in Dolmabahce, between the Besiktas Inonu Stadium.

Kenyan athlete Daniel Kipkore Kibet wins the Istanbul Marathon men’s title by breaking the 42 km Istanbul Marathon track record while Ethiopian athlete Hirut Tibebu wins women’s title. Both win the US$50,000 grand prize. 

Vodafone Istanbul Marathon has three categories — 42.2-kilometer (26.2 miles) marathon, 15-km run (9.3 mi), 8-km (4.9 mi) FunRun as well as a wheelchair competition.

The start time of races

08.45 Start of Wheelchair Race

09.00 Start of 42K Elite Race

09.00 Start of 42K Race

09.15 Start of 15K Race

09.45 Start of 8K Fun Run

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