EMITT Tourism Exhibition Contributes over TRY 3 billion - Focus on Travel News
EMITT Istanbul Buyer Meetings

EMITT Tourism Exhibition Contributes over TRY 3 billion

East Mediterranean International Tourism & Travel Exhibition (EMITT) will take place at TÜYAP Fair, Convention, and Congress Center between January 30 – February 2, 2020.

Organized by Hyve Group, EMITT Istanbul will be held under the corporate sponsorship of T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, T.R. Governorship of Istanbul, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and Turkish Airlines along with the support of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB). Turkish Hotels Federation (TÜROFED) and the Turkish Tourism Investors Association (TTYD) are also among the business partners of the Exhibition.  

EMITT-East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition, which has achieved a great success by hosting 5,620 exhibitors and 57,470 visitors from 94 countries last year, is preparing to host a record-high number of foreign visitors and tourism professionals in its 24th edition just like every year.

Representatives of 20 foreign countries in total including Bulgaria and Indonesia, Malta, India, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Japan, Korea, TRNC, Maldives, Nepal, China, Palestine, Georgia, Cuba, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil and Kosovo, which are among the countries sending the most tourists to Turkey, have also started preparations for the Exhibition.

Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, emphasized that İstanbul can become an exemplary application model for the world tourism industry with the harmony and cooperation of all segments.

“With the İstanbul Tourism Master Plan that will be prepared, İstanbul Tourism Workshop, which will enable all tourism industry actors to make decisions with a shared wisdom, Investment and Promotion Agency of İstanbul, and the educational mobilization for citizens, we will implement an exemplary vision of a holistic and coordinated management of tourism industry in a short while. There is no doubt that East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition, EMITT, will continue to hold a very important place in this new vision of Istanbul as well,” İmamoğlu said.

EMITT Exhibition Director Hacer Aydın stated that EMITT Istanbul has a business volume contribution at an annual average rate of TRY 3 billion to the Turkish tourism industry thanks to the partnerships and sales agreements for which it paved the way. Aydın said that they will continue to increase this contribution, which has reached TRY 15 billion in the last 5 years.

Aydın underlined that EMITT, which is the meeting point of tens of thousands of professionals from the tourism industry every year, is an outstanding training and experience sharing platform. Aydın continued her words as follows: “Having contributed substantially to the acquisition of holiday shopping habits among consumers from all income groups in Turkey, branding of cities and regions, and transformation of numerous cultural assets into revenue-generating touristic values for 23 years, EMITT is the most important door of Turkish tourism industry opening into the world.“ 

Saying that EMITT paved the way for the emergence of many new holiday and tourism destinations in Turkey, Aydın underlined the role of EMITT in branding of cities and even the villages in Turkey and bringing together domestic & foreign tourists.

Emphasizing the high demand for the Hosted Buyer program, Hacer Aydın stated: “Companies from Asia, Europe, Far East, and Latin America show interest in EMITT and apply for our program. Most of the applications came from the Far East.” Pointing out the importance of the booking system for the meetings held during the exhibition period, Aydın stated that efficiency has increased thanks to the business model that has been used since 2017.

EMITT’s extensive event program leads the industry

Presidents of the associations will share their expectations, predictions, and suggestions at EMITT 2020, which will host the industry’s leading institutions such as TTYD, TÜROFED, and TÜRSAB as in the previous years.

The days filled with conferences, keynote presentations, workshops, stage shows of domestic and international exhibitors, and VR experience will be waiting for the visitors in the event program that will be held simultaneously with the exhibition. The partners of the events program include Gezimanya, Culinary Tourism Society, Hotelrunner, TTYD, TÜROFED, TÜRSAB, Urban Strategy Partners, and HTC Vive.

The session of “Made in Turkey In Tourism”, which will be held within the event program that will take place during the exhibition, Futurist Cem Kınay, Brand Architect Ömer Şengüler, Author, Consultant Fatoş Karahasan, and Chef Vedat Başaran will discuss the branding of Turkey and examine the impact of digitalization in this regard. In the Tourism Moves for Destination Marketing by Municipalities” panel, officials from the metropolitan municipalities will share their local brand strategies and the contribution of this approach to the tourism industry of the region. While discussing different markets in “Next Generation Tourism Trends to Improve the Economy” session, Digital CEOs will come together in the “Increase the Performance of Your Digital Sales Channels” session. EMITT international exhibitor companies will be hosted and promotion strategies of the global world will be addressed under the moderation of Founding Member of the Tour Operators Platform, Cem Polatoğlu.

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