Istanbul's New Digital Tourism Project: Visit Istanbul - Focus on Travel News
Visit Istanbul

Istanbul’s New Digital Tourism Project: Visit Istanbul

The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Tourism Directorate has launched the Visit Istanbul project in order to promote Istanbul and its values using digital platforms internationally.

The project aims to introduce the value of Istanbul in the international area by using digital platforms. In this context, the target countries were identified in order to develop communication strategies. First of all, the target countries that have been studied travel habits extensively are USA, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Gulf Countries, India, and China. In order to increase the brand value of Istanbul, tourism-oriented strategies will be developed and implemented within a year with these determined countries. 

The first ‘History’ themed introductory movie of Visit İstanbul project ‘Meet With History Of Your Dream City’ has been published on project’s social media pages. In the movie, including original pieces of music, extremely colorful and magnificent scenes about the monumental history of Istanbul are shown. The next movie will be ‘Gastronomy Istanbul’ introducing the cuisine of Istanbul.

For the project, four fashion phenomenons of social media have met in İstanbul at the start of the campaign. Laura Comolli from Italy, Barbora Ondrackova from the Czech Republic, Michèle Krusi from Switzerland and Simla Canpolat from Turkey took a full city tour over 3 days and shared images with their followers.

Within the scope of ‘Visit İstanbul’ which is also known as Turkey’s first official city marketing project, world-famous travel stars, notably Jeniffer Tuffen from England, Dotz Soh from Singapore and Umit Yoruk from Turkey, will meet in Istanbul over 5 days between 17-21 March.

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