Turkey's Culture and Tourism Ministry launches Advertisement Tender for 2019 - Focus on Travel News
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Turkey’s Culture and Tourism Ministry launches Advertisement Tender for 2019

Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the launch of an “Advertising Tender” for the year 2019 – advertising activities abroad. The tender will be lodged on 8 January 2019, Tuesday, at 10 a.m. (local time) in Berlin, Germany.

The tender shall be conducted under the “Principles concerning Purchase of Goods, Services and Production Works in Foreign Countries by the Units of Administrative Bodies”, which came into force by the announcement published in the Official Gazette [Resmi Gazete] No 25633 of 4 November 2004.

The tender document (Tender Specifications, Campaign Information Report and the List of Ministry’s Representatives Abroad) can be obtained from the website www.kulturturizm.gov.tr in Turkish and English languages without any charges. The bids shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the document.

The bid dossiers shall be submitted in accordance with the procedure laid down in tender document and delivered to the address of the Office of Counsellor for Cultural Affairs in Berlin as written below, by hand or by special delivery not later than 4 January 2019 on Friday at 6.00 p.m. The bids made after the last date for submission will not be considered. The German local hour should be taken into account for the tender time.

The bids must be valid for a period of 90 days from the bid opening date.

Date of Tender: 8 January 2019
Location: Berlin – GERMANY
Address for bid submission :
Botschaft der Republik Türkei Kulturabteilung
Tauentzien Str. 9-12, Europa Center 6. OG, 10789 Berlin – DEUTSCHLAND
web: www.tuerkeifasziniert.de
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel : +49 30 214 37 52
Fax : +49 30 214 39 52

The Tender Administration: Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism / Directorate General for Promotion
İsmet İnönü Bulvarı No: 32, 06100, Emek – Çankaya / ANKARA
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel:+90 312 470 8423- 8429
Fax:+90 312 212 85 95

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