Turkish Tourist Arrivals by April 2023 - Focus on Travel News

Turkish Tourist Arrivals by April 2023

Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry announced the total number of foreign arrivals in January-April 2023.

In April 2023, the top 5 provinces foreign visitors entered Turkey are:

1-İstanbul %38,83 (1 289 903)
2-Antalya %28,42 (943 920)
3-Edirne %11,30 (375 501)
4-Muğla %4,50 (149 625)
5-Artvin %4,02 (133 378)

In the January-Apri̇l 2023 period, the number of foreign visitors arrived increased by27,51% compared to the previous year.

In January-Apri̇l 2023 period the number of foreign visitors arrived is 9 533 933 which increased by 27,51% compared to the previous year.

Of the 9 533 933 foreign visitors arrived in January-Apri̇l 2023 period, 122 342 (1.28%) are excursionists.

In January-Apri̇l 2023 period, top 5 provinces foreign visitors entered Turkey are:

1-İstanbul %50,04 (4 770 533)
2-Antalya %17,11 (1 631 523)
3-Edirne %11,75 (1 120 397)
4-Artvin %5,40 (515 003)
5-İzmir %2,18 (208 096)

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In the April 2023 time period, the top tourism markets for Turkey are Germany with 13,89% (461 489), Russia Fed. with 11,46% (380 660) United Kingdom (UK) with 8,42% (279 734) share of the total visitors. United Kingdom (UK) is followed by Bulgaria and Iran.

In the January – April 2023 time period, the top tourism markets for Turkey are Russia Fed. with 12,10% (1 153 341) Germany with 10,14% (966 336) Bulgaria with 8,37% (797 956) share of the total visitors. Bulgaria is followed by Iran and the United Kingdom (UK).

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