Ukraine adds Turkey to red zone

Ukraine Adds Turkey to Red Zone, Turks to Celebrate New Year at Home

Ukraine’s Health Ministry today updated Red and Green Zone countries and Turkey for the first time entered into the Red Zone Countries list.

Travelers visiting Ukraine from a Red Zone country will need to have a negative COVID-19 PCR test result which is carried out no more than 48 hours before crossing the border in order not to go under 14-days quarantine.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan earlier announced a four-day curfew that will be implemented from 9 a.m. on Dec. 31 to 5 a.m. on Jan. 4 over the upcoming New Year’s weekend as part of measures against the coronavirus. Meanwhile, weekend lockdowns continue in the country to curb the surge in coronavirus cases.

Many Turks plan to travel to Ukraine, one of the few countries they are allowed to enter as a tourist due to COVID-19 restrictions, for the New Year’s Eve celebrations. As the country entered into Ukraine’s Red Zone countries list, many Turkish travelers will either travel to other international destinations or stay at their home.

Ukraine’s Rez Zone Countries

The Red Zone consists of countries where COVID-19 cases numbers in the last 14 days are higher than the number of cases in Ukraine.

Also, those countries where were increased by more than 30% of new cases in the last 14 days compared to the last two weeks.

The fact that a citizen has a certificate of COVID-19 ANTIBODIES does not relieve him of the need to undergo COVID-19 testing using the PCR method after crossing the state border or undergoing an observation if the citizen has arrived from a country entering the “red zone”.

Persons who cross the state border of Ukraine should install app “Dii Vdoma” and can choose one of three options:

1. Observation in specialized isolators;

2. 14 days self-isolation at the place of residence for persons who have agreed to undergo it using the “Dii Vdoma” mobile app;

3. Pass the COVID-19 test using the PCR method after crossing the state border.

The list of such countries will be reviewed by the Ministry of Health every 7 days.

Dii Vdoma app can be installed from Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store.

ukraine red green zone countries 18 dec 2020

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