Citroen SEETROËN glasses eliminate motion sickness

Citroën’s Travel Sickness Eliminating SEETROËN Glasses Become Viral

Even though it never takes a break itself, travel sickness tags along with a large number of passengers.

A few days from the next school holidays, it’s worth a reminder that last July, Citroën launched SEETROËN, the first glasses which eliminate travel sickness.

And now, Citroën, the brand which makes comfort its leitmotiv, announced the success of SEETROËN. The fruit of work with the start-up Boarding Ring and the design studio 5.5, the result with a very fresh and simple look has also met with great success: out of stock after 3 days, with bigger and bigger replenishing of stocks, today SEETROËN has already attracted 15,000 families throughout the world.

The launch was in fact stretched out over several months, with online sales at the price of 99€ in the Brand’s lifestyle shop in the following countries: France, Portugal, Benelux, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland and Poland.

In addition, outside of these countries worldwide delivery is available, by ordering from the Citroën Racing site.

SEETROËN can be worn by adults and children over the age of 10 years old (when the inner ear has stopped growing). The glasses are not fitted with glass, they can therefore be shared by the whole family or by all fellow travellers and can be worn as over-glasses. They just need to be worn for 10 to 12 minutes, once the initial symptoms appear.

Many qualities have appealed to the juries of the European awards:

EUROBEST award: silver award, outdoor category. The Eurobest European Festival of Creativity is an annual event which celebrates and rewards creative excellence in the areas of creative communication, advertising and related areas in Europe.

Cristal Festival: silver award in the best brand building category and bronze award in the design category. The Cristal Festival is an international communication, advertising and design festival. It celebrates creativity and diversity and allows for the sharing of excellence.

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