Munich Airport Donates 270,000 Euros for Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria - Focus on Travel News
Turkey Earthquake

Munich Airport Donates 270,000 Euros for Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

Munich Airport and its ground handling subsidiary AeroGround are donating €200,000 to help victims of the earthquake catastrophe in Turkey and Syria.

The Munich Airport Aid Society (Flughafenverein München e.V.) provides a further €70,000. There are numerous employees of Turkish origin working for Munich Airport and its subsidiary AeroGround.

Munich Airport CEO Jost Lammers said, “We are shocked to see the impact of the severe earthquake that has devastated many towns and villages in southeastern Turkey and northern Syria. The airport family stands together in great solidarity with our colleagues who are worried about relatives and friends in the catastrophe area. More important than anything else right now is that we provide rapid assistance.”

The Munich Airport Aid Society coordinates all of Munich Airport’s humanitarian aid projects.

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