$3.38 Million in Tax Revenue from Fantasy Contests

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board Reports $3.38 Million in Tax Revenue from Fantasy Contests

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board announced the monthly Fantasy Contests Revenue Report which includes totals from the first full year of the Commonwealth’s collection of taxes on the play of these games.

The amount of revenue generated through the play of fantasy contests in the first 12 months of operation in Pennsylvania was $22,542,688.  That generated $3,381,403 in tax revenue for the Commonwealth.

Beginning last year, Fantasy Contest Operators in Pennsylvania were required by Act 42 of 2017 to be licensed by the Board and to pay a 15% tax on the adjusted revenues derived from Pennsylvania players.

Fantasy Contests adjusted revenue and tax revenue for each of the providers for April 2019 and for the 12-month period is displayed in the following tables:

Fantasy Contests Provider

April 2019 
Fantasy Contests
Adjusted Revenue

April 2019

Fantasy Contests

State Tax Due










Yahoo Fantasy Sports



Sportshub Technologies



Fantasy Draft



Boom Fantasy



Fantasy Football Players Championship



Full Time Fantasy Sports






Fantasy Contests Provider

May 2018 – April 2019 
Fantasy Contests
Adjusted Revenue

May 2018 – April 2019

Fantasy Contests

State Tax Due










Fantasy Football Players Championship



Sportshub Technologies



Fantasy Draft



Yahoo Fantasy Sports



Full Time Fantasy Sports



Boom Fantasy










* Withdrew as a PA Operator

About the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is tasked to oversee all aspects of the state’s casino industry, including sports wagering offered currently at eight locations. The oversight also includes other new gaming initiatives, expected to be launched in the coming months, which were created through Act 42 of 2017, an amendment to the Race Horse Development and Gaming Act.

The Commonwealth’s casino industry currently consists of 10 stand-alone and racetrack casinos in operation, along with the two smaller resort casinos.  These facilities collectively employ over 16,000 people and annually generate approximately $1.4 billion in tax revenue from slot machine and table games play. The largest portion of that money is used for property tax reduction to Pennsylvania homeowners.

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