Top 12 Tips on How to Write an Exceptional Argumentative Essay - Focus on Travel News
Argumentative Essay Writing

Top 12 Tips on How to Write an Exceptional Argumentative Essay

Writing an effective argumentative essay is more complex than most students think. It requires more than putting across ideas since it tests more than your essay writing skills.

Peruse these top 12 tips on how to write an exceptional argumentative essay.

Top 12 Tips on How to Write an Exceptional Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is different from most writings. It uses factual evidence to convince the reader to believe a specific point of view.

Do not overthink the name and think argumentative essays are aggressive; no, they are not. Instead, the aim is to prove to the reader that your thesis is logical. These 12 tips outline the essential pointers that should anchor your writing.

1. Understand the Purpose

Bear in mind the primary role of an argumentative essay; to convince the reader to subscribe to your thinking and understanding of a matter and, possibly, evoke an action. Therefore, understanding the purpose of your topic is the most fundamental step. It serves as the guide that determines your approach to the rest of the essay. It also determines the objectives of your essay.

2. Select a Debatable Topic

It is paramount to settle on a topic that gives you multiple angles and perspectives to debate. Its diversity should allow you to present strong arguments and well-suited counterarguments to cement your position.

In the same breath, take as much time to research possible topics before embarking on the essay-writing process. PayForEssay writing if you are skeptical about your competence or creativity in writing this kind of paper.

Meanwhile, consider these topics for your writing:

  • Should the USA allow fracking?
  • Does society undervalue sleep?
  • Are curfews for teenagers effective?
  • Should smoking in public be illegal?
  • Should parents limit screen time for kids?
  • Should all companies offer paternity leave?
  • Should the government change the age of consent?
  • Should the government legalize abortion?
  • Do you think that school should be all year?
  • Should video games be a sport?
  • Is social media a threat to human existence?
  • Are men and women treated equally?
  • Should gender roles apply in work settings?
  • Is feminism still essential?
  • Is the patriarchy a threat to humanity?
  • Are animal experiments necessary for medical progress?
  • Has the evolution of the internet made society better?
  • Should the United States of America automate voter registration?
  • Should vaccinations be compulsory for all United States of America citizens?

3. Conduct Thorough Research

After settling on a potential topic, take time to research your arguments from all angles. Then, build relevant evidence and points from research material such as articles, books, news publications, and reputable websites.

Lean more towards statics, be sober-minded, and consider different viewpoints based on factual information to strengthen your arguments.

4. Construct a Clear Thesis Statement

Like most types of writing, an argumentative essay has a thesis statement. Its function is to express your main argument clearly and concisely. Therefore, it should be detailed, arguable, and supportable throughout the rest of the essay.

5. Create Your Essay’s Outline

Any writing requires you to create an outline which often serves as an anchor for the rest of the paper. Use the outline to organize your arguments and thoughts. That way, you will evaluate the arguments that carry the most weight and use those for your essay.

Your outline should also help you determine your essay’s structure. Working with an outline allows you to tackle the different sections of your writing independently. It also allows you to allocate specific arguments to these sections.

Even though this is a genius way of tackling your argumentative essay, ensuring the sections flow seamlessly is essential.

6. Write a Compelling Introduction

Your essay’s introduction gives the reader a perspective of who you are. Therefore, the introduction allows you to express your creativity and understanding of your topic. So, start with an attention-grabbing hook statement. Provide brief background details to catch the reader on the topic and a thesis statement.

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7. Present Strong Arguments

Imagine your reader is unbiased about the topic. Therefore, start with the strongest point when introducing the debate and your standpoint in the body paragraphs. They are more likely to get sold and subscribe to your thinking if you do so confidently.

Introduce every body paragraph with a strong topic sentence. Argue out your idea and include data, statistics, and evidence to support it.

Dedicate the whole body paragraph to discussing independent arguments.

8. Address Counterarguments

Remember, there are two sides of the coin in nearly all situations. Therefore, acknowledge and address the counterarguments when arguing your standpoint.

Addressing counterarguments proves that you have adequately researched and considered the different perspectives of your thesis statement. It also affirms your position, especially if you persuasively refute the counterarguments with facts and solid evidence.

9. Use Persuasive Language

Present your points clearly and concisely. Use persuasive language. Your choice of language is likely to make them reconsider their perspective.

10. Conclude Your Essay Effectively

Presenting your perspective is one thing; prompting the reader to take action is another. Create a lasting impression by restating the thesis statement and paraphrasing the points and arguments to thrust them to a thought-provoking position.

12. Revise and Edit

A well-polished and error-free argumentative essay is likely to score better. Therefore, take your time to proofread your work and correct possible errors. Use these writing aids to correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors:

  • Grammarly
  • ProWriting Aiding
  • Grammar Pro
  • LanguageTool
  • Reverso
  • BonPatron

Besides checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, use these tools to ensure your essay has a logical flow and your ideas are coherent. Ensure to follow the prescribed writing styles, if any.

12. Seek Feedback

The final tip in writing a thought-provoking argumentative essay is asking for feedback. Ask a teacher, professor, mentor, or peer to review your writing and provide sincere and constructive feedback. Another person’s perspective will likely identify the areas you need to work on. Ask them to give suggestions on how to polish the mentioned areas.

Bottom Line

These tips on how to write an exceptional argumentative essay will elevate your writing skill. However, remember to give yourself grace since good grades take time and practice. Meanwhile, polish your craft until you are confident about the final version of your essay.

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