Brand USA to be reauthorized

U.S. Travel Praises Spending Deal Inclusion of Brand USA

The reauthorization of Brand USA is included in the spending package that lawmakers are expected to vote on this week.

U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow said that the American travel community is deeply grateful to congressional leaders for including the reauthorization of Brand USA in the spending package.

Dow said, “Lawmakers deserve tremendous credit for heeding the strong evidence of Brand USA’s remarkable economic value and prioritizing Brand USA’s inclusion in the year-end funding measure.

“Brand USA has a compelling success story to tell, and it has been repeated by diverse voices from every corner of the country and our terrific congressional champions to create this opportunity to secure Brand USA’s future. As a result, Brand USA will be able to continue generating results for the U.S.’s economy, jobs base, and trade balance by bringing greater numbers of lucrative international visitors here at no cost to the U.S. taxpayer.”

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