Visit Colorado Springs Looks Forward with 2020 Vision - Focus on Travel News
Visit Colorado Springs

Visit Colorado Springs Looks Forward with 2020 Vision

Visit Colorado Springs held its Annual Business Meeting virtually through a Facebook Live broadcast.

The “Looking Forward with 2020 Vision” theme touched on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the community, including taking precautions while continuing to move forward and support one another. VCOS has partnered with the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC and other community organizations to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the local business community through a survey. Survey responses will allow these organizations to better support one another.

In addition to VCOS President & CEO Doug Price, the Facebook Live broadcast featured guest speakers, including Chris Liedel, CEO of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum, and Mayor John Suthers. Price recapped how VCOS and Partners are tackling COVID-19, reviewed highlights from the 2019 Annual Report and shared updates for 2020.

“This year started out with an unexpected pandemic that has brought many industries, but especially tourism, to a virtual standstill,” said Price. “Our community is coming together to support one another through this difficult time. By taking necessary precautions now, we’ll be able to get back to business as soon as possible with much to look forward to for the rest of 2020 in this incredible city.”

In his remarks, Liedel shared an update on the progress of the USOPM and how it is serving as a beacon of hopes and dreams for the future of the city. Visitors will experience one of the world’s most accessible museums, with each guest having a unique, interactive visit. Mayor Suthers discussed how the city is addressing its current challenges with COVID-19 and how we will come out stronger on the other side.

Price touched on highlights from its 2019 Annual Report, citing a 5% increase in Lodgers and Automobile Rental Tax collections and a 7% increase in spending from overnight travelers.

Price also announced the VCOS temporary relocation due to the expansion and modernization of the Visitor Information Center and renovation of the office. The modern, expanded space will welcome people to the region and encourage them to stay a little longer.

Sponsors of the event, U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Training Center and Ent Business Banking, helped make the broadcast possible.

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