Russian Railways and FESCO Korea Express to launch Transit Service from Korea to Europe via Trans-Siberian - Focus on Travel News
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Russian Railways and FESCO Korea Express to launch Transit Service from Korea to Europe via Trans-Siberian

OJSC Russian Railways Logistics, together with the FESCO Transport Group (“FESCO”) is expanding its geography and launching a transit route from the Republic of Korea to Europe. These initiatives are part of the development of the Trans-Siberian LandBridge Accelerated Delivery Service.

The first container was shipped from Busan on 25 June 2019, from where FESCO Korea Express delivered it by sea to the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, which is part of the FESCO Group. The container then went by the Trans-Siberian Railway and after being transshiped from the Russian broad gauge system of 1520mm to 1435 mm European narrow gauge rolling stock at Brest station in Belarus, it was delivered to the railway station at Brzeg Dolny in Poland. From there it was delivered to the client”s warehouse in Wroclaw, also in Poland, by road. The total transit time was 21 days, which is twice as fast as comparable shipments by sea through the Suez Canal.

As part of the joint transit product, FESCO provides shipping both by sea and overland, port handling and a container fleet, while Russian Railways is responsible for organising the rail transport. Freight of various types, including automotive components and equipment, will be delivered from the Republic of Korea to Europe in the future.

At the end of May 2019, the two companies launched a joint service called the “Trans-Siberian LandBridge” and at the same time shipped a test container from the Japanese port of Yokohama to Wroclaw in Poland. Transit time by rail from Vladivostok to Brest for this shipment was just 11 days. On the basis of test shipments, the parties developed the transportation technology to make possible a service for shipping goods from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region to Europe, via the Far East and Transsib, available to customers this year.

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