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Which countries’ citizens spend the most while travelling abroad?

Have you ever wondered which country’s citizens spend the most money when they go abroad?

Merchant Machine analysts used UN Tourism data to reveal how much the typical holidaymaker in 94 countries spends while on an international vacation.

They analysed UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) data to isolate the total outbound expenditure for each country and divided it by its total departures (reported as “overnight visitors” by some countries). This gave an average individual spend in U.S. dollars per trip abroad for each country.

Australian Tourists Spend the Most While Travelling Abroad

When Australians go on vacation, they really live it up: the average individual from Down Under spends $3,078 while on holiday abroad, the most of any country in the analysis. To put that into perspective, that’s nearly twice the amount the average Brit spends ($1,157). It could be that Australians just have more cash to splash, considering the average salary there is among the highest of any OECD country. Overseas travel destinations of choice include New Zealand and Indonesia.

U.S. Tourists Spend More When on Vacations Abroad than Any Other North American Country

As one of the richest and highest earning countries in the world, it’s no surprise that the U.S. tops the ranking of the North American countries spending the most on holiday, with the average American spending US$1,323 while abroad. According to tourism experts, Americans tend to “spend more on dining, hotels and organised tours than their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere … they’re accustomed to tipping, too. They also take longer trips and often bring loved ones with them.”

Iceland Tops Ranking of European Holidaymaker Spending

Meanwhile, Iceland tops in Europe: the average Icelander spends $2,470 on vacations abroad. Iceland boasts the second-highest average salary of any EU country, meaning a local worker likely has more disposable income to splash while on holiday. The typical Icelander also enjoys a total of 38 days off a year (24 government-mandated annual leave days and 14 public holidays).

Portugal comes in second place ($2,166), another country with a generous annual leave allowance (31 days total). Top international destinations for Portuguese holidaymakers include Paris, London and Amsterdam. The UK ranks 11th ($1,157).

South Koreans Spend the Most of Any Asian Country on Trips Overseas, Singapore second

The average South Korean spends $3,040 when they go on holiday abroad, more than any other country in Asia and the second-highest total in the world after Australia. When they do go abroad, Japan is a popular choice.

Singapore ranks second ($2,966) in Asia and third globally. A TripAdvisor study revealed that nearly one in two Singaporean holidaymakers book an on-trip activity before they get to their destination.

Brazilians Spend More on Their Trips Abroad than Any Other South American Country

Brazil leads the pack in South America, with the average Brazilian spending $1,719 when they go away. Europe is a top destination for Brazilian holidaymakers.

In Africa, Morocco’s Holidaymakers Spend the Most While on Vacation

Meanwhile, the average Moroccan holidaymaker spends $932 on vacation abroad, the most of any country in Africa. Only 28% of Moroccans go abroad for vacation; those that do tend to choose Turkey for its affordability and visa-free status.

The Importance of Tourist Spending

Whether you’re a big spender or keep a tighter hold of the purse strings while on holiday, it’s nice to know that whatever cash you splash in restaurants, gift shops and attractions provides a boost to the local economy. This is particularly true of countries heavily dependent on tourism; take the Maldives, which, during the COVID-19 pandemic, was plunged into an economic recession due to the sudden lack of paying visitors. The UK’s tourism industry was also slow to recover from the effects of COVID-19 travel restrictions.

With that in mind, it’s great to uncover that so many people worldwide are booking overseas holidays, spending their hard-earned money (no matter how much) and supporting local jobs and communities while they’re there.

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