Best Water Sports to Enjoy During Vacation - Focus on Travel News
Surfing and Kite Surfing

Best Water Sports to Enjoy During Vacation

Most people think that water is best for just swimming and taking a bath or shower. However, there are quite a number of water sports that you can enjoy.

While some of these sports may need a large body of water, there are those that do not need a large body of water.

Most Entertaining Water Sports

Slip and Slide

 As we said, some of these water activities don’t need a large body of water. With slip and slide, you just need a roll of thick plastic sheeting, water and a downhill area. Then you just have to set it up and you are good to go. As the children slip and slide, you can either watch or enjoy some best canadian sports betting sites games or you can join them to make it even more fun and exciting.


For the older people, you can try kite surfing or kitesurfing. This is very popular in many parts of the world. Basically, all that you need to do is stand on a small board and you will be attached to a large kite that is like a mini parachute.

PaddleboardDunk the hat

Dunk the hat is a great game to play when you are with your family and friends. For starters, you will need to get the dunk hat, and if you are a master craftsperson you can easily create one for yourself.

Then you fill the hat with water and each person gets to aim at the bullseye. The lucky one to hit the bullseye will give the hat wearer a lovely mini water bath.

Paddle boarding

This is also known as paddle surfing. You will need a surfboard and an ore. All that you have to is simply stand on the surfboard and start paddling or play casino en ligne francais games.

This may sound boring and lame. But just try to with a group of competitive people and you will see how much of a work out session it can turn out to be.

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