The Impact of Beacon Technology on the Gambling Industry - Focus on Travel News
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The Impact of Beacon Technology on the Gambling Industry

Have you ever been at an event and received a notification from an app on your phone related to that event?

You may have thought it was a lucky coincidence. Alternatively, you may have thought that your phone was listening to you, or something along those lines. Your second thought is closer to the truth. 

How does beacon technology affect your gambling?

Technology in the gambling industry has become more and more advanced in the past two decades. It was unthinkable 20 years ago that gamblers could sign up for a betting website to play casino slot games or play games that offer users free spins and daily shots at the jackpot. However, this is the current reality, and technology is only improving to enhance the gamer experience. Not only that, but it is helping gambling companies to more effectively communicate with consumers.

Beacon technology is one such technology. It involves signals sent to your phone by small bluetooth devices. These devices pair with your phone or tablet and allows companies to send you targeted, personalized messages which will be related to where you are. Companies can then use beacon technology to send you notifications for events that you attend, or if you are nearby, their physical shop.

Game-changing technology

Beacon technology was initially launched in 2013. Apple were the first movers and they were followed soon after by Google. At the beginning, the technology was utilized by retail shops, but since then, gambling companies have found a way to use it to their advantage too. According to Global Market Insights, the beacon industry will exceed $24 billion by next year. 

A small technology making a big difference

There are two things that make this technology so useful for gambling companies. Firstly, using bluetooth allows companies to contact their customers who are within a close vicinity. Crucially, this works well in relatively small spaces and buildings, and is the ideal technology to be used in casinos. 

The technology also tracks users. Just like Google Maps, it can suggest directions through a building and lead gamblers to their preferred room. Not only that, but it can track previous history to make customer’s visits a more personalized, VIP experience. Each message can also be customized based on what games they are playing. 

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The second crucial aspect needed for this marketing strategy to work effectively is the data. Companies can use data they have collected over the years to better serve their customers. They can pique their users’ interests with information they know they will like. While, if used at a sporting game, the technology can allow companies to send in-game offers or odds that might interest them.

The future of beacon technology

Proximity marketing may be in its infancy, but it is developing quickly. In a time where we, as consumers, are increasingly on our phones, the importance of the technology cannot be understated.

Consumers receive countless notifications on their phones and devices, which can be easy to ignore. However, beacon technology allows gambling companies to tailor their communication. They offer bespoke messages that are driven by data ensuring the customer receives a notification they are interested in. In the long run, these messages and this technology will be an invaluable tool in the company-customer relationship. 

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