CDC Allows International Travelers Bound to U.S. can Take a COVID-19 Test at Home - Focus on Travel News
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CDC Allows International Travelers Bound to U.S. can Take a COVID-19 Test at Home

Since January 2021, people traveling to the United States have had to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test conducted within 72 hours of departure. Now travelers have another option: testing themselves at their home.

Some tests require a nasal specimen that can be collected using an anterior nasal swab or a nasal mid-turbinate swab. Other tests require a saliva specimen.

The testing product has emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. The procedure must include remote, real-time supervision by a telehealth service associated with the manufacturer. 

The CDC is warning travelers that some countries might restrict the importation of home Covid-19 tests that are not authorized there. Travelers should contact authorities in their foreign destination prior to departure.

The FDA recently has authorized 9 antigen tests and 3 molecular tests for serial screening programs.

All authorized tests can be found on the EUA page

For more information about self-testing visit

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