Going Around America in 80 Days: Tales From The Trail of Milan Rabszski - Focus on Travel News
Going Around America in 80 Days

Going Around America in 80 Days: Tales From The Trail of Milan Rabszski

Every specialist in every field can still learn something new from someone else. Being surrounded by what they know best and constantly reminded that they’re at the peak of what they do could close anyone’s mind, but Milan Rabszski isn’t like most people.

Milan has spent many years gambling across multiple platforms worldwide. He has spent countless hours working as an editor in chief with his passion project TopKasynoOnline to bring awareness to the newer players. The world of gambling doesn’t have to be rough on all of us!

The foremost expert in the world of Polish gambling knows that there is always more to learn about the field. Thus, he decided to take the great, fabled journey to America, traveling from the East Coast to the West in search of further knowledge and understanding, and in this article, we will be chronicling that journey.

Atlantic City, New Jersey

Milan starts his journey in New Jersey, at the fabled Atlantic City. This is a city where he found a little bit of Las Vegas, a little bit of the Jersey Shore, and a whole lot of entertainment. Atlantic City, one of the top three casino cities in the United States, is constantly increasing its activities and is frequently cited in the same breath as Reno and Las Vegas.

This is where the vast majority of gamblers get their first taste of the big league poker events on the East Coast. Milan was also particularly enamored with the seafood, the likes of which you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Residents of Philadelphia have very recently gotten a real taste of the casino life, with the first facility opening its doors in 2007, and Milan wanted to experience their exuberance first hand. There are currently around 11 casinos operating for business, with more expected to launch in the near future. In addition to the ideal location, many well-known tournaments are held here each year, attracting participants from all over the country.

Being a lifelong pro wrestling fan, Milan also visited the old ECW arena – now the 2300 arena – to pay his respects. He was given bad directions by an unscrupulous fellow on the way and ended up walking about, lost, for half an hour until his phone GPS came to his rescue.

Detroit, Michigan

Although the city of Detroit is shrouded in dreary skies, and despite the city’s widespread poverty, it is home to several surprisingly cool casinos. People can choose from a few different casinos in Detroit that are within a short driving distance of one another. Each one offers a unique experience, but they are all run and maintained with the same level of professionalism you would expect from a high-end Las Vegas casino of a similar caliber.

Ancient Greektown Casino is the city’s oldest casino, and it is owned by a tribe that is actively involved in the city’s economy and community. In other words, even though the city has seen a great deal of instability and strife, all is not lost.

Chicago, Illinois

Illinois is home to ten different casinos, all of which are located on riverboats off the coast of the state. Fun fact: casinos can only function away from dry land, but fortunately, they are all incredibly attractive and well-respected enterprises.

While this was fascinating to Milan, there was a little problem: he was incredibly seasick. However, he soon learned the pocket Ace’s power, which kept him from feeling sick every time he popped out of his cabin.

Tunica, Mississippi

It would be criminal for Milan to pass by this glitzy little city just outside of Memphis that has taken the gambling world by storm. Tunica, Mississippi, has quietly built up its reputation, and with 10 casinos currently in operation, it is now the third-largest gambling city in the United States.

Thousands of people flock to the casino every year to partake in Vegas-style gaming while enjoying southern-style entertainment. Milan was especially impressed by Frank’s Pub & Grille, where he had his fill of food.

Shreveport, Louisiana

Shreveport, Louisiana, is another wonderful riverboat casino city on our list. The city has been in the business of gambling professionally since the 1840s. Five riverboat casinos and the infamous Harrah’s Louisiana Downs are available for gamblers to get their fix in New Orleans.

Now prepared to meet every sea-related eventuality, Milan bought more pocket Aces from the staff, who were happy to help him out. People in the heart of Louisiana are among the friendliest and most approachable you’ll encounter in the United States.

St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis is another city restricted by state restrictions only to allow access to riverboat casinos, but they make excellent use of what they have. Dance clubs, restaurants, and casinos can be found at every turn in River City. It’s like a huge block party of gambling. They didn’t name it the Show-Me State for nothing, after all!

By now a seasoned veteran of the river casino experience, Milan took to it like a fish to water. Krab Kingz Seafood was a particular favorite of his, and he found it difficult to say goodbye. However, Sin City awaited, and that was the holy grail.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Vegas is where dreams are formed, and retirement assets are gone in the blink of an eye, as they say. Vegas is designed to be purposely larger-than-life while also capturing its surroundings with monument replicas that serve as advertisements.

The casinos in Vegas are among the most prestigious in the world. There is no such thing as an “off night ” when it comes to finding action at the tables or the slots http://topkasynoonline.com/automaty-do-gry/, and there is no such thing as an “off night.” It’s known as “the city that never sleeps,” which can be intimidating for visitors who are here for the first time. This is the Taj Mahal of the gambling world, so to speak, and Milan spent the bulk of his two weeks trying out all the casinos he could.

Palm Springs, California

People in Cali no longer have to drive across state borders to obtain an authentic Nevada-tiered gambling experience, and Milan was happy to end his tour here. Palm Springs has rapidly risen through the ranks and established itself as one of the nation’s best gambling destinations. Now, they have five world-class gaming resorts, which provide all the benefits of sunbathing, pool parties, and margaritas that you can get in California, as well as a variety of other amenities.

This being the last stop in his journey, Milan took some time to really take in the place. He caught a game at Dodgers Stadium and walked up the Walk of Fame, for once deciding to be a tourist. However, the traffic jam to get to LAX was the worst he’d ever faced in his life. That is something he’ll be traumatized by for the rest of his life.

The Tour in Retrospect

While on his tour, Milan stopped by to give interviews at every major stop and attend major conferences, and meet with other experts in the field. He even appeared at many talk shows to spread the word about TopKasynoOnline and his mission to bring the people closer to a quality online casino experience.

While there, he also gauged the prospects of the gambling industry for Polish people. The US has a sizable Polish population, both first and second generation, and he tried to connect with them and see if they would be interested in his message. Polish people the world over, who are interested in gambling, all know who Milan is, so that was not very difficult for him.

In the end, the most important thing that he learned from this experience was the difference between Poland, where casino on line is illegal, and America, in terms of casino culture. In both land and online versions, casinos in America enjoy more freedom than back in Poland. Not only are private investors making good money, but they are also helping spread this wealth around in terms of development.

The unforeseen advantage the USA has over Poland is that players there get to experiment with technology. Milan was introduced to a number of AI tools in development by a local expert, Mark Bjornson, a Manager in Nevada. They (the locals) are proud of the fact that home-grown talent is being used to build VR and AR systems for the future of gambling. Not only that, having seen what liberal gambling policies can do for the economy and the satisfaction among players, Milan will now focus on bringing changes to the world of Polish casinos.


Milan left Poland on this tour to learn more about the world of gambling, first and foremost. He wanted to meet more experts and get their take on things, cultivate their ideas and bring that knowledge back with him to enrich the experiences of Polish players. He has done that, and after taking the time to spread the word in the American media, he is now excited to take all he learned and apply it to his site.

In the coming weeks and months, he will be implementing changes on his website for the sake of all Polish gamblers, so expect a bunch of new information to be available on TopKasynoOnline!

You can subscribe to Milan’s podcast for more information and the latest news from the Polish gambling market: topkasynoonline.buzzsprout.com/. You can directly contact the editorial office in Warsaw: łota 59, 00-120, or make a phone call +48 22 595 14 00 or send an email: [email protected]. This memoir was written in January 2022.

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