Hawaii Visitor Numbers Slightly Increase But Spent Decrease - Focus on Travel News
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Hawaii Visitor Numbers Slightly Increase But Spent Decrease

Hawaii Tourism Authority announced tourism statistics for February 2019.

Visitors to the Hawaiian Islands spent a total of $1.39 billion in February 2019, a decrease of 2.7 percent compared to February 2018, according to preliminary statistics.

In February, visitor spending increased from the U.S. West (+4.7% to $503.3 million) but declined from U.S. East (-6.7% to $370.9 million), Japan (-0.8% to $170.1 million), Canada (-0.7% to $150.7 million) and All Other International Markets (-15.3% to $188.7 million) compared to a year ago.

On a statewide level, average daily visitor spending was down slightly (-0.9% to $200 per person) in February year-over-year. Visitors from Japan (+3.3%), U.S. West (+1.2%) and All Other International Markets (+0.7%) spent more per day while visitors from U.S. East (-4.1%) and Canada (-1.0%) spent less.

A total of 782,584 visitors (+0.5%) came to Hawaii in February 2019, up slightly from the same month last year. Arrivals by air service (+0.3% to 766,293) were comparable to last February while arrivals by cruise ships (+12.1% to 16,291) increased. However, total visitor days declined (-1.9%) versus February 2018 due to a shorter average length of stay by visitors from most markets.

The average daily census of total visitors in the Hawaiian Islands on any given day in February was 248,244, down 1.9 percent compared to February of last year. Arrivals by air service realized growth from U.S. West (+6.5%), Canada (+2.5%) and Japan (+1.1%) which offset decreases from U.S. East (-0.9%) and All Other International Markets (-17.2%).

Visitor spending on Oahu decreased (-1.6% to $613.0 million) while visitor arrivals (456,820) were flat compared to last February. Maui recorded increases in both visitor spending (+1.2% to $413.0 million) and visitor arrivals (+1.5% to 220,801). The island of Hawaii saw declines in visitor spending (-17.5% to $192.3 million) and visitor arrivals (-14.8% to 137,502). Visitor spending increased on Kauai (+4.7% to $153.5 million) while visitor arrivals were similar (+0.2% to 104,167) to February 2018.

A total of 1,010,961 trans-Pacific air seats serviced the Hawaiian Islands in February, up slightly (+0.5%) from a year ago. Growth in air seats from Canada (+10.9%), Japan (+6.3%), Oceania (+1.8%), U.S. West (+0.5%) and U.S. East (+0.5%) offset declines from Other Asia Markets (-25.1%).

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