Travel Plans for 2022

IPK International Reveals Travel Trends in 2022

The findings of a recent survey conducted by IPK International show a renewed increase in people’s travel intentions in the coming months.

Currently, 80 percent of respondents worldwide are planning international trips over the next 12 months.

Sun and beach holidays are in demand, but also city breaks and holidays close to nature.

Europeans’ preferred destinations are their common favorites: Spain, Italy, and Germany.

Although more and more people want to travel, the latest findings continue to reflect worries regarding the pandemic.

Busan Green and Growing

There is also criticism on travel conditions of recent months.

Outbound travel intentions at the highest level since the beginning of the pandemic 

Interest in traveling abroad has increased significantly since the beginning of the year and with the availability of a vaccine. 80 percent of respondents worldwide are now planning to travel again, although their travel intention varies from continent to continent. Europeans’ intentions to travel abroad are now almost 90 percent of the pre-Corona level, while Americans’ are around 70 percent and Asians’ over 60 percent – but with a strong upward trend in recent months.

Popular destinations in 2022

Europeans clearly prefer destinations on their own continent for the upcoming travel season, with Spain ranking first, followed by Italy and Germany, as well as France and Greece.

The Americans‘ favorite destinations are the neighboring countries the USA, Canada, and Mexico, as well as destinations in Europe – above all Italy and Germany.

In Asia, people are mostly planning to visit destinations on their own continent (Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, China) and in Europe; Germany and France would be the preferred destinations. 

A growing interest in holiday trips

81 percent of those interested in travel abroad are planning holiday trips over the next 12 months. Since the beginning of the year, intentions for holidays have risen steadily. In contrast, travel plans for visiting friends and relatives abroad have declined (current potential 30 percent) – for business trips abroad, however, they are stable worldwide at 21 percent since the beginning of the year.

Greatest demand potential for sun & beach holidays and city breaks

As before the pandemic, the focus is on sun & beach holidays (63 percent), followed by city breaks and round trips. For nature-oriented types of holidays, interest remains above the pre-Corona level. In recent months, demand for cruises has also risen worldwide.

International trips under pandemic conditions

Despite people being keen to travel abroad, doing so remains difficult. Almost 90 percent of those who have recently made international trips say that travel planning was often difficult and complicated and 80 percent report Covid-related impairments at their destination. The main issue is not that travelers not accepting relevant measures, but unclear or changing information combined with poor communication on the part of the destinations.

Safety beats price

Globally, the target group of travelers abroad is already vaccinated or recovered to a high degree (90 percent). Nevertheless, there is still considerable concern about the infection rate. This is also evident when it comes to the question “Destination with low infection rate or favorable travel price?” The overwhelming majority of international travelers would opt for a destination with a low infection rate.

Comprehensive recovery conceivable next year 

The stated plans for next year clearly show that worldwide a huge desire to travel exists that has now nearly reached pre-pandemic levels. Assuming a high vaccination rate among international travelers along with a willingness to accept reasonable Covid-related travel measures in the future, an internationally comprehensive recovery is possible next year, at least on the demand side.

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