Travel trends for LGBTQ+ travelers in 2019

Travel trends for LGBTQ+ travelers in 2019: Where they want to travel?, What they think about safety?

A new survey by The International LGBTQ+ Travel Association Foundation (IGLTAF) and Airbnb reveals travel trends for LGBTQ+ travelers in 2019. The survey reveals LGBTQ+ travelers preferences when choosing a destination, activities they are interested in, the impact of safety travel measures.

“With the support of valuable research partners like Airbnb, the IGLTA Foundation is able to educate our industry on the needs and interests of LGBTQ+ travelers, which is essential to creating a more welcoming global landscape. Travel safety is particularly important for our community, and as the results show, often influences destination choices,” said John Tanzella, President/CEO of the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association.

Among the survey findings:
Travel Preferences

  • Compared to heterosexual respondents, LGBTQ+ respondents are more likely to consider 2019 travel to:
    • +13% New York
    • +11% Los Angeles
    • +11% Miami
    • +10% Chicago
  • 48% of LGBTQ+ respondents are likely to engage in outdoor activities on their next vacation, compared to 41% of heterosexual respondents.
  • 79% of LGBTQ+ respondents say they’re at least somewhat likely to plan a trip to a national park in 2019, compared to 69% of heterosexual respondents.
  • 51% of LGBTQ+ respondents say they’re very likely to take a vacation to the beach in 2019, compared to 44% of heterosexual respondents.
  • 42% of LGBTQ+ respondents prefer air travel, compared to 31% of heterosexual respondents.
  • When it comes to ranking Airbnb Experiences among the LGBTQ+ community, nature ranks first (28%) followed closely by food and drink (24%), and entertainment (21%).  Among 18-24 year-olds, Airbnb comedy Experiences are most popular (24% of respondents marked this as their top choice).

Exploring the world as an LGBTQ+ traveler can require additional precautions and measures. The survey conducted also looked at the safety measures LGBTQ+ travelers take compared to heterosexual travelers.

Safety Travel Measures

  • Half of the LGBTQ+ respondents say the State Department’s travel advisories have made an impact on where they choose to travel, compared to 18% of heterosexual respondents.
  • 86% of LGBTQ+ respondents say a vacation destination’s policies toward the LGBTQ+ community are at least somewhat important when selecting where to travel, compared to nearly half (47%) of heterosexual respondents.
  • Over half (51%) of LGBTQ+ respondents say they’re very unlikely to travel to a country where being LGBTQ+ is illegal, compared to 35% of heterosexual respondents.

“Airbnb’s mission is to create a world where anyone can belong. Both the IGLTAF and Airbnb are committed to supporting LGBTQ+ travel and breaking down barriers that exist for those in the community. Our goal is to better understand LGBTQ+ travelers and through this research, we have a better sense of the preferences and challenges such travelers face,” said Maria Cuba, Trips Diversity & Inclusion Program Manager for Airbnb and Board Member of the IGLTA Foundation.

The release of these survey results follows Airbnb’s announcement last week of We Belong Together, a multi-faceted campaign to commemorate both WorldPride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising by fostering intergenerational connection within the LGBTQ+ community. As part of We Belong Together, Airbnb will open a unique, pop-up experiential space during NYC Pride, partnering with numerous organizations to offer engaging programming. In addition, Airbnb will be bringing 10 LGBTQ+ elders who were present at the Stonewall Uprising to New York City for the anniversary, to share their stories at the event space.

Airbnb is also a member of the Human Rights Campaign’s Business Coalition for Equality and Global Business Coalition, and most recently, produced its first documentary film, “Gay Chorus Deep South.” Earlier this year, Airbnb was a sponsor of IGLTA’s Annual Global Convention in New York City, and the two actively work together on issues affecting the LGBTQ+ travel community.

Over 1,000 LGBTQ+ respondents were surveyed on their travel preferences as well as the precautions and safety considerations those in the community take when planning a trip.

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