Visit France

Vaccinated Americans can Visit France from June 9

France will reopen for international tourism from June 9, 2021. French Government announced that international travel will restart according to terms that vary depending on the health situation in third countries and the vaccination of travelers.

France will open to international tourists on 9 June as planned, using a traffic light system to determine who can visit.

Starting June 9, European visitors and travelers from green list countries will be allowed entry without having to undergo testing if they’re vaccinated. 

Green list countries include all EU and Schengen zone countries and Australia, South Korea, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and Lebanon.

Fully vaccinated travelers from orange/amber countries will need to arrive with a negative PCR test, taken within the previous 72 hours. If people are not vaccinated from orange list countries, they cannot travel, except for essential reasons. If they are still allowed at this point, they need to arrive with a negative Covid-19 PCR test and quarantine for 7 days (with another test on day 7).

Passengers arriving from the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and other countries on France’s orange list will be required to show proof of vaccination as well as a recent negative virus test. They will no longer need to quarantine on arrival. Travelers who are not vaccinated are not permitted to enter France unless they show a qualifying compelling reason for travel. The list of qualifying compelling reasons can be found at the website of the French Ministry of Interior.

Travelers from the red list will still need to justify the trip and quarantine for a week – even vaccinated.

Red list countries include South Africa, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Turkey, and Uruguay.

The map below shows the classification of countries in the traffic light system. 

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Easing of restrictions in France

Starting June 9, the curfew will be pushed back to 11 p.m. and new categories of previously closed institutions and businesses may reopen to the public, including cafes and restaurants. This date also marks the conditional resumption of events, shows and fairs for up to 5,000 people.

Finally, on June 30, there will be no more curfews and no more limit to places open to the public.

Gatherings, meetings, or activities on public roads bringing together more than six people simultaneously are prohibited.

Face Mask Requirement

The consumption of alcohol on public roads is now prohibited.

Wearing a mask is compulsory in enclosed public places throughout the country for anyone aged 11 and over.

The obligation to wear a mask may be extended to places deemed relevant by the prefects of each department, depending on the local health situation. Detailed information is available from the prefectures. The map and updated data on the spread of Covid-19 in France are available on the French government website.

A fine of €135 will be charged in the event of non-compliance with wearing a mask in the places concerned, up to €3,750 in the event of a repeat offence.

Wearing a mask is compulsory on public transport. Travellers should ensure that the greatest possible distance is maintained between passengers or groups of passengers not travelling together. More information is available on the SNCF and RATP websites.

Wearing a mask is compulsory in taxis and rideshares.

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