Business Events with a Heart: MyCSR Initiatives at MBEW 2023 - Focus on Travel News
MBEW 2023

Business Events with a Heart: MyCSR Initiatives at MBEW 2023

Business events are often regarded as avenues for profit and networking. But this year, the Malaysia Business Events Week (MBEW) 2023 proved that they can also be platforms for compassion and environmental stewardship.

Amid the vibrant meetings and seminars, the corridors echoed with two impactful MyCSR initiatives – a Blood Donation Drive and a Tree Planting Activity.

Amidst the verdant surroundings of Taman Alam, Selangor, attendees got their hands dirty for a good cause, planting a hundred trees that now stand as tall guardians of commitment towards the environment. Meanwhile, others rolled up their sleeves, not for business deals but to donate blood, extending a vital lifeline to those in need.

Datuk Hajah Saraya Arbi, Interim Chairman of Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) expressed her joy, “The overwhelming response from delegates and strategic partners is heartwarming. Through these activities, we’ve showcased how business events can positively impact beyond just business.”

The tree planting activity, which concluded the event, was a collaborative effort with various stakeholders, including Tourism Selangor, Kuala Selangor Municipal Council (MPKS), Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) Waste Management, the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), and the Malaysian Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (MACEOS). It was graced by notable personalities, including YBhg. Datuk Hajah Saraya binti Arbi and YBrs. Encik I.S Shanmugaraj.

The success of MyCSR’s initiatives during MBEW 2023 underscores the transformative power of the business events industry. Beyond promoting economic growth, it fosters a sense of social responsibility and environmental guardianship, aligning with the goals of UNSDG and ESG initiatives. As attendees disperse, they leave behind more than just memories – a lasting positive change for the local community and environment.

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